11 days to go for D-Day! Everyone's in a hurry to get things done and beat their deadline. Good to see the office packed with people working their ass off. The No-Smoking rule inside the office is still not being followed too seriously! I can see tired faces and droopy eyes, top it up with the late hour team meetings in empty stomachs and and you have the perfect zombies next morning! We have managed to inspire a group of proactive youth from Kurseong and they have decided to take up the challenge of organizing The Kurseong Carnival from 13 to 14 December. Mirik is on its third edition from 8 to 11 December. Arbin, Gyanendra and the gang are doing a great job there.
The Press Conference was perfect with all our local press friends attending and reporting well. Ajoy stirred the crowd’s emotion once again with his explanation on the Darjeeling Carnival. Its great to hear him talk, revives our faith in what we are doing. You can also hear his speech and read the press release at http://www.darjeelingtimes.com/
The siliguri people are always with you. But you seemded to be forget that. We are always with you, to support, to cherish, to enjoy the 10 day long festivities.
This year we will be there too, to make ourselves available. And we love Darjeeling, its people and the carnival of course.
+91-98323 35885
Its really great to see what a group of youth with the right motivation can do. Be assured we in Siliguri are with you. We already had a meeting today to follow up yesterdays Bagdogra meet. The tasks been distributed and we have already started working on them. The Siliguri part of the rally will be taken care of. You can be assured.
The Kurseong conference was a great success. Do write about the Bike Rally too which looks like it's gonna be one of a kind show!!!
The Kurseong conference was a great success. Do write about the Bike Rally too which looks like it's gonna be one of a kind show!!!
I wish I was there! Good luck. I hope this turns out to be the best carnival yet!
Hey guys I wish you a fun filled and enjoyable carnival. For those of us far from home, we'll catch up with updates over the net...so be sure to post the highlights of all thats happening.
Even though I am happy and celebatory over the event I am a little disappointed that Kalimpong got left out of the loop. Hope 2007 will see the inclusion of my hometown into the festivities.
Have fun and stay safe!!
Janice Mukhia
Florida, USA.
Hey Janice,
We want the Carnival to be happening all over the Hills but sad to say we have had no takers (positive group) from Kalimpong. We are trying to build an initiative there. Am sure we'll have a Kalimpong Carnival next year. Sad they stopped the Winter Fest from last year. Will be updating as soon as I get some time from the busy schedule!!! Keep watching this space...
Hai guys,
i am too glad to see such a youth power over Darjeeling. and hope, some changes will make safe and batter Darjeeling. i am always with you...............
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